Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Margaritaville at Sea Paradise - Bahamas Cruise - February 18-20, 2023

It was President's Day weekend which meant a three day weekend for both of us.  So we logged off work a few hours early on Friday and headed to Lake City to stay at the Fairfield Inn.  The weather cooperated with us this trip and so made decent time.  We checked into the hotel about 8:30 p.m. eastern time.  We didn't get upgraded this time but did get a quiet room at the end of the hall.  Our only complaint was the smell of weed in the room.  I guess we had to prepare for Jimmy Buffett's cruise...

The next morning it was cruise day!  On this day, we would board Jimmy Buffett's Margaritaville at Sea Paradise for a two night cruise with one stop in Freeport, Grand Bahama.  We left the hotel about 6:20 a.m., stopped at a Dunkin' for a surprisingly tasty breakfast of avocado toast, mini quiches, coffee, and of course donuts.

We were pulling into the port area a little after 11:00 a.m.

They only offer valet parking at this cruise port and so we pulled into the valet line.  The line moved fairly quickly.  They would take a batch of 12 cars at a time.  

After dropping off our car, we stopped by the luggage stand to get a tag for our small suitcase.  Supposedly, they were supposed to e-mail luggage tags with our confirmation e-mail.  Based on reports online, it seems to be pretty hit or miss whether people get luggage tags or not but it was no issue tagging them at the port.  Interestingly, once your bag is tagged, you bring it yourself through security and the scanners and don't actually drop it off to port staff until you are through security.

We had purchased the Faster Chill package which allowed us to bypass the security line, sent us to a priority check-in area, and then brought us to a VIP lounge (which was really just a roped off area with chairs and a few snacks).

After you check in, you make your dinner reservations.  They have an early and late seating in the main dining room (Fins Dining Room).  We chose the early seating.  You can also make specialty dining reservations in the JWB Steakhouse for a fee.  They also have tables here in the port area to purchase drink packages, wine, shore excursions, and I believe even spa services.

At 12:10 p.m., the ship had been cleared and we made our way down the gangway.

This walk never gets old.
Our first stop was Euphoria, a lounge on deck 8 to pick up my drink package bracelet, which we did without issue.  We had also ordered an unlimited soda package for Paul but they did not have any record of it.  The bar staff suggested we talk to Guest Services.  Guest Services said they couldn't make any changes to our booking (even though we had a printout of the beverage package purchase) and told us to call the 1-800 number.  We tried calling but service wasn't good enough on the ship while in port for a customer service rep to be able to hear me so they disconnected the call.  We sent an e-mail and hope they will refund what we paid.

Our next stop was the the Port of Indecision Buffet.  It was not all that busy yet as we had been in the first group of people to board.  We both found some good food to enjoy and this was just the start of the great desserts Paul would find at the buffet (the best buffet desserts he has had in a long time).  As soon as I sat down, a server stopped by and I ordered my first drink, a Bahama Mama.  He tried to sell it to me in a blender saying I would get twice the drink.  But if I understand correctly, I would have to carry the blender around all week to take advantage of drink discounts, something I was not interested in and I didn't need to start out with a double drink.

The drink package I bought was called Boat Drinks.  It gave me 10 drinks to use for the cruise (and I understand you may even be able to use them on future cruises if you don't use all 10).  We purchased the drink package during a Black Friday sale and so it only cost me $75.  With the exception of 2 lattes, my drinks were generally $12-14 each so it was a great deal.  It normally sells for $99.

Carrot Cake and Key Lime Pie Cheesecake

Cabins would not be ready until about 2:00 pm so we went to wander.  We headed up and discovered we were parked next to a container ship that was loading containers (with another being unloaded at the end of the dock).  It was quite fascinating to watch.

The back adults only pool with a couple hot tubs

This is quite a yacht!  It was named the Infinity.

The cruise terminal

The main pool

We then went inside to relax and have a drink.  We found a hallway right outside the Euphoria lounge with comfortable chairs that overlooked the container ship!

Kendall Jackson Chardonnay - They had a small wine menu but the choices they did have weren't bad.  I also enjoyed a Santa Margherita Pinot Grigio and Conundrum White throughout the cruise.

We made our way to our cabin about 2:30 p.m. Our cabin was number 4134.  

It was an ocean view cabin on deck 4 which is the lowest passenger deck.  The room was spacious and clean with a lot of storage.  It was located in a quiet area of the ship.  The bathroom seemed well-laid out and was a bit larger than the bathroom on our last cruise ship so we didn't have any complaints.  We did not have any issues with water getting all over while we showered but I know that is a common complaint and the drain is slow.

There was one US plug on the floor below the desk.  At the desk was also an European plus plus a USB-A and a USB-C.  It looked like the phone might have also had a USB-A, but I did not try that out.  Our safe didn't work.  Our cabin steward did offer to find another safe in an empty stateroom after everyone had boarded but for such a short cruise and since we brought so little with us, we told him not to worry.  Our cabin steward was excellent.

Our luggage arrived a little before 3:00 p.m. and it didn't take long to unpack.  After unpacking, we went back up to the Euphoria lounge to sit and watch more of the container ship be loaded while we waited for the muster drill.  

They do a traditional muster drill.  So a few minutes before 4:00 p.m., they started making announcements and the alarm sounded.  Knowing that there are always so many stragglers, we didn't rush to be the first to arrive.  We walked in our muster station which was in the casino a minute or two after 4:00 p.m. and the room was already full and they were starting to make announcements.  Between a muster station leader making muster station specific announcements and our cruise director making announcements over the loud speaker, there was very little down time and it was over by 4:19 p.m.  It was one of the better run traditional muster stations I can ever recall.

We walked the upper decks a bit before returning to our cabin to dress for dinner, watch sail away from the perspective of our cabin window, and then head to dinner.

Another view of the yacht, Infinity

Check out the wake we were making - this captain doesn't waste any time getting out of West Palm Beach!

Doors were open for early seating at Fins Dining room a little before 6:00 p.m. until 6:30 p.m.  They didn't ask for cabin numbers or even check that you showed up at the right dining time.  They just had waiters ready to walk back people to tables as they came in.  There were a lot of tables for two.  We ended up in a different section each night with different wait staff.  Our wait staff was much better the second night than the first night.  They use table cloths and at least some servers bring out the right silverware for each course.

I had no issues finding things I could eat on this first night menu.  The chicken noodle soup was quite good and my main course, an asian seasoned salmon dish was excellent.  Paul said each of his courses were good.  The chicken dish was excellent.

Salmon dish

Cauliflower Bites

Ceasar Salad

A chicken dish that tasted like chicken korma (I think it was labeled as butter chicken or something similar on the menu).

Black Forest Cake - which was actually dairy free so I got to enjoy a slice too!

Dinner service was reasonably fast (about 75 minutes), even though it took a long time to get a head waiter to come to take my order.  The Sommelier also seemed to forget about me after handing me a wine menu so he was slow getting back to me.  The dining room had quite a few drink servers (who handled everything but wine) and sommeliers that were each assigned to a section.

After leaving West Palm Beach, we hit some rough waves and so it was quite rocky at dinner and throughout the evening/night.  I had not thought to bring my ReliefBand with to dinner and wished I had.

After dinner, we stopped at the shop to get a ship model and a few other souvenirs and then Paul left me in the coffee shop while he went to get my ReliefBand.  I started a nightly tradition of ending the day with a latte.  Music from the Euphoria lounge drifted up into the coffee shop as we sat and relaxed.  

Tonight's entertainment in the theater was a comedian, Dino Vigo.  You know you have been cruising a lot when you start to recognize the guest entertainers.  He was a comedian we saw on the Carnival Ecstasy last September.  We did not really enjoy him then so knew this would be a good show to skip.

Before retiring to the cabin, I thought it would help to get a little fresh air so we walked out to the upper decks.

The next morning, the seas had calmed.  We arrived in Freeport, Grand Bahama around 8:00 a.m.  We enjoyed breakfast from the buffet out on deck near the 5 O'lock Somewhere Bar in the aft where we could watch us pull in.  The buffet had some great options including everything bagels with various topping options including avocado spread or smoked salmon.  I believe there was also an omelet station.  And they had turkey sausage each morning.

The cruise port in Freeport - it is set up more like an embarkation port because some people disembark to spend a few nights at a resort and then re-embark at the end of their resort stay.  Others may come from the Bahamas to Florida.  So every day is embarkation day for someone.

Back at the room - our window was a bit saltier today from the rough seas yesterday.  They must have cleaned the windows on embarkation day.

Before going ashore, I went back up on deck with my Nikon to try and get some better photos of the port area.  The sun was at a bad angle to get the Eurodam in dry dock so I knew I would be coming back up at the end of our day on land to get more photos.

An oil tanker

Pilot boats

Who doesn't love tugboats?  On the other side of these buildings is where other cruise lines dock.  On this day, we were the only ship in port.

There were two tugboats.

The gangway at this port was on deck three near the forward elevators/stairs.  We made our way down about 8:45 a.m.  We had booked a tour through Shore Excursions Group called Garden of the Groves and City Tour which was handled by Elite Travel & Tours.  Our meeting time was 9:30 a.m. and had a meeting place at the other terminal so we wanted enough time to find it.  We got stuck behind a tour group getting off the ship and a lot of people didn't realize they needed their ship card ready to scan when they got off so this added a little time.  But as soon as we walked through our terminal, there was a guy with a sign for our tour.  Since no other ship was docked at the other terminal, he decided to come find us.

We really lucked out in that no one else had signed up for this tour and they still decided to go forward with it.  So our guide, Boo, took us on a private tour in a Buick Enclave.  We first stopped at the Garden of the Groves where a garden employee gave us a tour along with a lot of cultural information.  She very much believed in the healing power of various plants and was quite religious.  The garden had very few visitors and so birds and lizards were quite active.  After her tour, she let us wander the gardens on our own.

Little Bahama Curly-tailed Lizard

Southeastern Five-lined Skink

Common Moorhen

Little Bahama Curly-tailed Lizard

Little Bahama Curly-tailed Lizard


National Flower - Yellow Elder


The shops - they weren't open on this day but the tour guide opened one up to show us a few things.

I believe this is a palm Warbler

Northern Mockingbird

I think this might be a Least Grebe


Yellow-throated Warbler

Great Blue Heron landed on the roof of the cafe in the garden

We spent about two hours in the garden and then headed towards Port Lucaya Marketplace.  I asked about a beach next to the marketplace and our guide made a side stop to Taino Beach which was gorgeous.  These photos don't do justice to the blue and green colors of the water.

We then stopped at the Port Lucaya Marketplace.  Most shops were closed since it was Sunday but a few things were open.  

Community Art Mosaic - artists and art lovers worked collectively to create this artwork.  The project required 2,000 volunteers over 8 months and was completed in April of 2013.

A mural at the marketplace

We found some excellent chocolates made on site.

As we drove out the port, our guide pointed out this large resort (the largest on the island which still hadn't gotten back up running since Hurricane Dorian 2 years ago).  The building is shaped liked a ship.

Our guide drove us through a few of the rich neighborhoods and shared more information about the island.  It really was one of the best tours we have taken.

Back at the ship, we snapped a few photos before re-boarding.

The buffet was quiet as many were clearly still on shore.  They had a really good gazpacho soup.  

We then walked out on deck to get more photos of the port area now that the sun was behind us.

Holland's Eurodam in dry dock - I believe it arrived just the day before.  I'm assuming this is just a general maintenance dry dock as I'm not seeing any discussion online about any advertised updates except to maybe the technology on the bridge.

Freeport is an active cargo port.

This is as good as any place to add some photos I took around the ship along with a video I put together of many of the public spaces.

Main Pool

The Hangout - an observation lounge with a bar, dance floor, and a few arcade games

Hot tubs near the adults only aft pool

Adults only pool area

The main pool at night

Ping pong near the main pool

Tables near the main pool

5 o'Clock Somewhere Bar & Grill and aft outdoor seating

Stars on the Water Theater

Seating on the floor is reserved for those with License to Chill and Faster Chill packages

Pizza delivering robot at Frank & Lola's Pizzeria

Interesting art in the Margaritaville Coffee Shop

Margaritaville Coffee Shop (Frank & Lola's Pizzeria is on the other side of this large space)

Stairs from the Coffee Shop/Pizzeria area down to Euphoria lounge

We spent some time relaxing in this corner of Euphoria lounge
(this is the bar where I found the best drinks)

Deck labels in the Elevator - When you reached your deck, it would announce the deck number in Italian first and then English.

We liked the layout of the stairs.


Interesting artwork in the Library

Not many books in the library and many were in other languages

A few moments from this ship's earlier life as a Costa ship

Jimmy Buffet theme art was all over the ship

A sneak peak into crew area in the aft part of the deck where our room was

We then showered and found a lounge to relax and enjoy a drink or two.

When we noticed we had started moving, we moved up to the upper decks to watch sail away.

On our way back to the cabin, we walked through the coffee shop to see if they had pizza ready.  Paul enjoyed a pre-dinner slice of pizza before going back to the room to get ready for the evening.  

A guitar player had started playing in the Euphoria lounge outside the dining room, so we went down early to listen a bit while (and get in line for dinner as a line had already started forming).  

Acoustic Favorites with Pedro Trad - He was really enjoyable to listen to.

They opened the doors early and the line went fast.  It was a little harder to find food I could eat on this night's menu but the head waiter was really helpful in talking through my options and figuring out what they could make me.  Our waiter was excellent and service was quick (about an hour).  Food was quite good.

Butternut squash Soup

A vegetable indian dish


Tonight's show in the theater was Jimmy's Ship Show, Tales from Margaritaville.  It's a little corny, highly entertaining, and featured some pretty talented singers and musicians.  It also ends with a Congo line and those sitting at the tables on the floor get pulled into it so plan your seat accordingly.  Our Faster Chill package got us reserved seating and we could have had the table in the front row but instead asked about the first row of the theater seats and are glad we did.

Smokin' Rita - I thought a margarita was appropriate for this show.

After the show, I used my last drink on a latte as we enjoyed music drifting into the coffee shop area.  And then it was time to head back to the room and pack.  The seas were really calm this evening but part of that might be because we hadn't really left Freeport.  We seemed to be just sitting outside the harbor of Freeport and were still sitting when we went to bed.  I woke up at some point after midnight and we were moving by then.

The next morning, we enjoyed breakfast from the buffet out on deck as the sun rose and we came into port.  

We were docked around 7:15 a.m.  After breakfast, we stopped by our room to grab all our belongings and headed to the deck five area where we knew disembarkation would begin.  A line had already started to form but it wasn't too long.  The ship was cleared a little  and we were walking off the ship by 7:45 a.m.  With Faster Chill, we were directed to the priority line which went quite quickly even with the port not having facial recognition.  There were half a dozen groups of people in front of us waiting for a valet to bring their car.  We were on the road by 8:00 a.m. eastern time

Not many people had the cruise line carry their luggage off for them, probably because this cruise was short enough most didn't need more than a carryon.  Customs was inspecting pretty closely a cooler that seemed to be full of fish or some other frozen food.

Waiting for the valet

We ran into a couple of slow-downs on the drive home that probably added 30-45 minutes to the drive, but the rest was decent traffic.  We stopped for Taco Bell for lunch in Ocala and Whataburger in Alabaster (20 minutes from home) for supper.  Service was slow (about 20 mins), but the food was super fresh.  We took the Honda Ridgeline and the computer showed 24 MPG for the entire trip which would have been good (it's rated for 25 MPG highway) if the computer wasn't at least 2 MPG optimistic from the manual calculations.  Usually cars are 1 MPG high, we've never seen over 2 consistently which is disappointing, but it was pretty quiet and rode really well, while the seats were a bit on the firm side.  The drives overall were painful due to length, but they were the price to pay for an awesome weekend!

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