Sunday, September 22, 2019

Lake Purdy, East Lake Park, and Birmingham Zoo - Sunday, September 22, 2019

We started our morning at Lake Purdy.  Water levels were so low that deer were grazing in an area that I'm pretty sure is usually under water.  Regardless, we saw a few birds and animals.  We started by pulling over at the Cox Creek Bridge on Highway 119. 

Great Blue Heron and a Great Egret in the water with a Great Egret in flight

We then moved on to see more of the lake near a fishing center less than 2 miles east on Highway 119.

Brown-headed nuthatch

Brown-headed nuthatch

Great Blue Heron

I have never seen a Great Blue Heron float like a duck!
That's a fish in his mouth!

We then headed to East Lake Park in Birmingham.  On our last visit months ago, we had seen various types of herons.  We didn't find any herons but did see a few other interesting birds including babies.

Red-headed woodpecker

After some quick lunch, our next stop was the Birmingham Zoo.  We had two hours to kill there before their members' appreciation event with free ice cream sundaes. 

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