Monday, January 21, 2019

Statute of Liberty and East Lake Park

We decided to get out despite the cold.  Our first visit was East Lake Park in Birmingham which has a one mile loop around and is known for bird watching.  It definitely lived up to its reputation.

Great Blue Heron

American Coot

Black-crowned Night Heron

Opossum (with a night heron looking on)

Black-crowned Night Heron

Muscovy Duck - which from my internet search I understand is non-native and a domesticated species often found on farms and in parks

More Black-crowned Night Herons

Another Muscovy Duck

Great Blue Heron
Our next stop was ... the Statute of Liberty.  It was a bit less crowded than we expected.

It seemed to be a requirement that you drive a white car to visit.
As you may have guessed this is not actually the Statute of Liberty found in New York City but instead a replica one fifth the size of the original which used to sit on top of the Liberty National Insurance building downtown Birmingham.  It has since been moved to a park in the suburbs.

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